Sheila Parizeau


She didn't need the limelight

She didn't need the limelight

Sue captures a core part of Sheila's wonderful personality -- her humility and selflessness.

Sheila wasn't a person who needed or wanted the limelight. In fact, some of my favorite memories of her involved things she did that no one knew about.

When I was 42, I got sick. Our kids were small and very busy and I was uncertain how we would get through it. 

Then Sheila arrived. From that point on, things ran smoothly. Laundry done, groceries bought, meals prepared, games attended. The kids lives continued just as before. She and Michael became closer than ever and I got better.

When she left, I gave her the following framed quote because I think it sums up the essence of who Sheila is.

The Franchise

The Franchise

Whistling (sort of)

Whistling (sort of)