Sheila Parizeau


Best Friends

Best Friends

Joyce Taylor was Sheila's best friend for as long as I can remember.  They met as young mothers and later became business compatriots at Rorden Realty.  They always had each others' backs.

Sheila – The Competitor

When Sheila and Joyce Taylor worked together at Rorden Realty – Warren Rorden would make up these sales contests for his people.  To win a $100 gift certificate – the sale person on the floor would need to get a potential customer up to the 2nd floor conference table to qualify them to buy a house.  So it’s Sheila’s turn on floor time and in walks an older gentleman with a walking cane interested in buying a house.  So Sheila explains to and asks him to come upstairs and discuss everything in the conference room.  He explains that he has trouble walking and could they just talk at her desk.  Being the competitive person she was (and wasn’t going to let anyone else win the prize) – she assured him that he could do it and she would help him.  At this point, Joyce is under her desk laughing hysterically but Sheila got the gentlemen up the stairs and captured the winning prize; however, not sure he bought a house!

Sheila – The Traveler

When Sally was studying abroad in Austria, Sheila and Joyce Taylor went to visit her.  On the trip, Sheila and Joyce decided to take a side trip and travel to Italy to see Florence and Rome.  Sally buys them a train ticket to Florence and asks – where are you going to stay?  Sheila told her not to worry they would find a place when they got there.  Sally expresses her concern about the plan and when saying goodbye – she tells them –“I’m never going to see the 2 of you ever again” .  So Sheila and Joyce arrive in Florence in the morning and find an American tourist desk and ask for help finding a room for the 2 of them.  The person calls a friend and finds them a room and tells them their colleague will walk them over.  Joyce quietly expresses a concern to Sheila – we don’t know this person and I think he has been drinking.  Sheila says -  “don’t worry Joyce – I think the 2 of us can beat him up if he causes problems”.  A great time was had as they traveled to Rome and then, were brave enough, to continue on to Germany.

Sheila – The Catholic

Both Young Doug Parizeau and John Taylor were going to make their 1st Communion.  As part of Catechism of the Catholic Church,  Children must go to the sacrament of penance before receiving Holy Communion for the first time.  Sheila volunteered to take both Doug and John to Our Lady of Lourdes church in Mountainside, NJ for their 1st confession.  She offered advice as to what they should think about and how/why they must confess their sins to the priest.  As John comes out of the confessional box, he has a concerned look on his face.  Sheila asks “John – how did it go and is everything alright?”  John says “ I bet the priest is going to go home and tell everything I said to his wife”.  You can just see the smile on Sheila’s face!  

Whistling (sort of)

Whistling (sort of)

"Sure, I've got tons of room"

"Sure, I've got tons of room"